
Dental Implant Dentures

Denture implants at MSR Dentistry

Gone are the days when missing your teeth posed a problem! Thanks to denture implants; teeth once lost can be gotten back now with ease. At MSR Dentistry, Chitlapakkam!

Implants are a metal base or a frame inserted in the slot where the lost tooth originally was. The implants thus inserted secure the dentures. Hence these are termed denture implants (aka implant-supported dentures or full-mouth dental implants).

The ever-evolving science of dentistry offers a few options here.

1. Implant Over Denture (Semi Fixed)

2. Fixed implant Denture ( permanent hybrid dentures)

The above 2 options can take shape as full dentures or partial dentures.

Implant Over Denture 

Implant-supported overdentures: Here the replacement is attached to 4 implants.The good news is- there are relatively easier and cheaper to set right or even replace. MSR Dentistry recommends it for those with high upper smile; replacement skilfully hides the zone where the denture meets natural gums.

Fixed denture implants

Implant-supportedfixed dentures are almost similar to implant-supported overdentures barring the former is fixed; hence cannot be snapped out. However, dentists at MSR Dentistry are skilled in its removal if needed. These are termed “ALL-on-4s” as well; reason being – these dentures are supported through 4 or more implants. This procedure does not need bone grafting. That’s due to availability of natural bone that bear the implants.


MSR Dentistry is a niche clinic in Chennai and it is a fast growing destination for denture implants. Take an appointment and find more confidence, better smiles and above all greater self-esteem.

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